Monday, October 20, 2008

Lap Quilt

This is the other project I have been working on. It is a 12 block sampler lap quilt for my mother. It is all hand pieced and hand quilted (at least the part that I have finished quilting). It still needs some quilting completed and the edges bound. I hope to finish it for Christmas...we'll see.

Grandmother's Fan

Jacob's Ladder

Dutchman's Puzzle

Log Cabin

Drunkard's Path

Honey Bee (one of my favorites)

Dresden Plate

54-40 or Fight

Rail Fence

King's X

Ohio Star

Card Trick


Wonder Woman said...

They're beautiful - do you sell them?

PS. Nerd!


Jonathan said...

Cool! Your mom will love it!

HoneyBee said...

Wonder Woman,

Thank you :) No, I don't sell them. I give them as gifts usually.

LOL, yes I am kind of a nerd :)

HoneyBee said...

Jonathan, I hope I finish it in time for Christmas or at the latest for her birthday in January.