Friday, November 28, 2008

Preparing to Quilt

I took apart my niece's wall hanging and sewed it together straight (or at least straighter!). Then I placed it on some thin cotton quilt batting with at least 3"-4" of batting extending beyond the edge of the quilt top.

Then I cut the batting so that there is a even 3"-4" border of the batting around the quilt top.

Next I placed it on the fabric I want to use for my backing with the backing fabric extending at least an inch beyond the edge of the batting. The backing fabric is face up. I like to select the same fabric for the backing and the stripping.

Then I baste the three layers of the quilt top, batting, and backing fabric, together using contrasting thread. I baste it to stabilize it for quilting.

Here is a closer view of the basting stitches...

...and the back of the "quilt sandwich".

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